
Our delicious organic semla is back at funkis Köket in Sydney until easter!

History of the semla. 

A small, wheat flour bun, flavoured with cardamom and filled with almond paste and whipped cream takes over from the "kanelbulle" in the bakeries in Sweden from late December to February. During these months an estimated 40 million semlor are sold. For a small population of just 10 million people, that is a obscene amount of semlor. King Adolf Fredrik (1710-1771) supposedly died after eating too many of them during Fat Tuesday. According to rumours, he ate more than 14 semlor in one sitting.

The traditions of semla are rooted in fettisdag (Shrove Tuesday, or Fat Tuesday) when the buns were eaten at a last celebratory feast before the Christian fasting period of Lent. At first, a semla was simply a bun, eaten soaked in hot milk (known as hetvägg). At some point, Swedes grew tired of the strict observance of Lent, added cream and almond paste to the mix and started eating semla every Tuesday between Shrove Tuesday and Easter. Today, no such reservations exist and semlor (the plural of semla) usually appear in bakery windows as near after Christmas as is deemed decent – and sometimes even before. This is followed by a collective, nationwide moan about how it gets earlier every year. Shortly thereafter people begin to eat the things like the world will end tomorrow! 

Do not miss trying this delicious pastry, we will be serving this at least until Easter, or as long as is deemed decent! 

find out more: funkis Köket Cafe